….and still so much to do!
Once again we have gathered to pack the needed items for the work ahead, and hope to get everything through Customs intact at the other end. We have really honed the process with an eye to what is truly needed…and a few additional “discretionary” items to fill in the empty spaces.
We are 11 strong for this journey, with 3 new members…our most generous pharmacist since Day ONE, Jenn, will be joining us for her first of many returns I’m certain, “Smiley” is bringing her brother Tristan along so I will have a roommate, and Chelsea is bringing her friend Maureen from “The Pine Tree State”. Welcome to the family…just so you know, nobody ever really leaves “Fanmi an”…”The Family”….just ask Sondra, who is joining us for her first return after our maiden voyage post quake in 2010. Welcome Back Sondra!!
Please wish us well as we make our final preparations and pray no more hurricanes visit the Caribbean as the season comes to a close. I will hopefully have exciting new photos to share of the progress on the clinic in the week ahead…hoping all the rain in Haiti this past month has not stalled things too much!
Finally, please don’t forget us as you consider your end of year charitable donations. We can’t cross the finish line without your support. We need to make a final push to raise another $100,000 to open this long awaited source of basic health care services for a most deserving population!
If everyone reading this message could see to at least a $100 commitment, it would put us over the top for our construction needs. Please dig as deep as you can and visit the donation section to see just how easy it is to make your tax deductible contribution.
As always, Love to All and God Bless,