Our Goal In Sight
We have the Land:

We have the Plans:

That’s right, we are already planning our return to Ile a Vache and have assembled a team of 9 dedicated individuals to help deliver needed healthcare services – once again a core group of team members will be traveling: Kitty, Carey, Chelsea, Melila, Jil & Rusty along with another 2 new members. I am excited to report I will not be the only pediatrician for this trip – welcome aboard Dr Kelly Henchel!! I will be happy to share some of my senior citizen patients with you. We also welcome a great friend of mine from my days in the Navy – Beaufort South Carolina’s City Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem, Mike McFee. Mike has experience on previous mission trips but this will be his first to Haiti and with a medical team…I feel a new pharmacist in the making!!
Disclaimer: This post is for Sunday, March 12. Sorry for the delay but the rigors of international travel from a 3rd world country as well as our late arrival home, made it impossible to post last night
So, last night was indeed beautiful and refreshing from the roof at St Joseph’s and some of us lingered late, not wishing to turn the lights out on our experience. However, heavy lids prevailed! It was a great night for sleep, and I even slept under the sheets for the first time on this trip.
As expected though, 5AM came way too quickly! For some, quicker than others, as the whole Daylight Savings Time issue wreaked havoc on personal electronic devices. Anyway, all were up and ready for breakfast by 5:30 – scrambled egg casserole, toast, coffee and fresh fruit…a great send-off!! Read More
(Disclaimer-this post is from Saturday March 11…late due to a poor connection in Port au Prince. My apologies!)
Last night was actually the coolest and sleep seemed easier than before. Unfortunately we had to awake to the least favorite ritual – bringing down bed nets and final packing for the return journey. Our time on this island paradise had come to an end and we had to bid farewell until next time.
As we waited for the truck to make a return it was very hot and Kiki created a very unique way to avoid the burning sun. I was not surprised to see my dance buddy from the beach, Chadly, waiting for me at the bottom of the steps. He really is a charmer…so I left a bit of Smith Mountain Lake, VA on Ile a Vache this time! Read More
Last night was really a repeat of most every other night…fans, heat, sweat, interrupted sleep, wildlife noises…this is Haiti, Project Starfish style and we would really have it no othe way!
This morning, delicious Haitian oatmeal for one last time. This being our last clinic day, everyone was a bit sluggish this morning, but after coffee and a brief team meeting with “Madamn Big Boss”, we were ready to get started. Read More