Posts in General Update

Our Will, Sustained…Our Goal, Realized!!

Great news for our organization and exciting news for our supporters!!! Some of you may recall my last blog entry on our 2014 mission trip, but for those who may need a refresher, here is an important excerpt:

As we began our journey to Miami, I found myself reflecting on the words of a pastor in the small village of Di Croix. He shared a sermon of sorts at the inaugural clinic ceremony that I mentioned in an earlier post. He was imploring the residents and his congregants to be appreciative ‎and supportive of this new health clinic that was now available to serve them all. He spoke of successful development in general requiring 3 important elements: Existence, Will, and Resources. Their small village had accomplished the first by bringing the clinic into Existence and certainly their was a strong Will of some to make it happen, however there needed to be an even stronger collective Will to sustain it and then as always, the Resources to further develop and maintain it. I can’t help but think similarly about our fledgling organization, Project Starfish Haiti. As of the last year we actually formalized our group and incorporated – Existence. This would never have happened without the strong Will of many current and former team members.  Once we return from these week long excursions it is understandably easy to become caught up in our daily lives and have our enthusiasm wane until the next trip is planned, but if we are to achieve our next goal, that of our own non-profit status, on the path to even greater development, it will require the sustained Will of many…”

Well, it is now official.  As of July 25, 2014, Project Starfish Haiti is officially recognized as a Public Charity and exempt from federal income tax.  We are recognized as a non-profit organization by the IRS under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  This is a big step for us and means we will be able to more independently plan future projects and trips.  That said, we realize we are still just infants at this with so much more to learn.  We thank our friends at Angel Missions Haiti, Clinic Jolivert, Missions of Love, Much Ministries, Gleaning for the World and so many others for their generosity with their time, patience and support.  This is truly an education and we hope…we need to learn so much more.

In the coming weeks, stay tuned for updated information in the donate section of the website to see how easy it will soon be to make your tax deductible donations directly to Project Starfish Haiti.  For the time being, please continue to support us as always…as we are always looking towards the next trip and ultimately our next goal…establishing a sustainable health clinic in an unserved community.  We realize we have many lessons still to learn before we will be able to achieve this goal, but rest assured our Will remains strong to do just that. I can’t help but recall that hot day in the tiny, remote village of Di Croix.  I can only hope we too will enjoy the celebration of such an inaugural event in the not too distant future…


Prayers Needed NOW!!

IMG_00000034I generally do not use this forum to highlight specific individuals, but one of our own is in need of your prayers NOW!  I regret to inform you all that Dr. Peter Whitehead will be unable to join us this year, as originally planned, for our return to Haiti next month. He was just recently diagnosed with a malignant tumor of his chest wall and will be initiating radiation therapy ASAP, leading to major surgery in the next couple months. Peter is an integral member of the Project Starfish Haiti family and I know you all – family, friends and supporters, will join us as we pray for him and his family as they navigate this challenging time in their lives. We, the 2014 Team, and most certainly the people of Haiti will miss your presence “Dr. Peter”, but I have no doubt you will be with us as we are with you….every step of the way!  May we prove the power of prayer and positive thinking with your speedy and full recovery.

Be Strong My Friend and NEVER forget….Love From ALL,


Happy New Year!

As 2013 comes to a close and 2014 rapidly approaches, we at Project Starfish – Haiti would like to thank all our friends, family and followers for their support and assistance. We could not do this without you! With that said, I will take this opportunity to remind all that we are scheduled to return in just 2 months. As we share this holiday season with loved ones, we realize that our time is getting short, so we are turning our attention to planning and provisioning for our upcoming mission. Every trip is a costly endeavor for individuals and for the group as a whole, and now more than ever we need your assistance. I hope you will visit the Donate section of this website and consider making a tax deductible contribution to assist us with our ongoing efforts. As always, I will keep our followers informed of our experiences as we take another step towards completing our ultimate mission.

Again, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and most of all….Thank You!!


Team 2014 Set!!

Great news!  We have established our medical mission team for Spring 2014 – Trip #5.  I am excited to report that Dr. Kitty Humphreys and Dr. Peter Whitehead will be returning again this year, along with Carey Cole, FNP , her daughter Lindsay, aka “Smiley” and Kirsten “Kiki” Newcomb, RN.  I am thrilled to report that Jenny Baldwin, RN will also be returning after a 2 year hiatus, which I know she regretted daily….Welcome Back “Jenny Ma”!! We have been missing you terribly. The nightly card games will be much more entertaining!! As always, we could not be happier to be growing our PSH family again this year with some new additions: Chelsea LaBree, RN of Maine, Melisa Morgan, RN of Jacksonville,FLA and Sarah Gilbert,RN of Radford,VA. Read More

Laker Magazine Story

Please check out the nice article featuring Project Starfish Haiti in the Sept/Oct 2013 issue of The Smith Mountain Laker Magazine.  This is a local magazine that has shown interest in our Project and it’s connection to Lake area residents involved in the medical mission work being done.  I hope this will become another nice opportunity to raise awareness for our Project and ultimately help us to achieve our goals.  You can view the story at Click on the image of the September/October 2013 issue and then scan forward to pages 71-77.  I would like to thank Laker Media for their interest in our Project and specifically Lindsey Wagnon for her talent in telling our story.

Just an FYI that in just 6 months there will be more stories to tell as Project Starfish Haiti embarks on it’s 5th chapter, Medical Mission 2014. I will use this blog and our facebook page to keep all our friends updated on our progress in planning for this trip. We are now actively pursuing additional funding to assist in the rising expenses for medical supplies and logistics in Haiti.  Please visit the Donate section of the website, to see how you can help, and for now,

Love to All and Happy Labor Day Holiday,
