So, after publishing the post last night I came down from the orphanage roof and we headed out for “a walk,” and guess who we ran into…our friends Timizou and Letene. They joined us on our stroll, which just happened to lead to the local watering hole…again…and there we spent some time before dinner catching up on all the news over the past 11mos….good stories and many great laughs!!

We watched the clock carefully so that we would make it back before the dinner bell. Dinner, as always was delicious, and once everyone had a full belly…and thanks to the industriousness of some of the team (shout out to Pam, Deann, Anna and Neal), we made short work of the prep chores. Then it was time again to cool off on the roof, under the moon and stars. What a way to end a long day!!

This morning began with cool temps but very little breeze and I knew we would be in for a hot one! Sure enough, within a few minutes, the sun gained height and the temp easily rose by 10 degrees in minutes…not even 7:30 yet. We knew there would be a definite insistance about clinic today, since we were forced to turn away nearly 100 patients yesterday when the “whistle blew.

We were not disappointed. As I sat on the roof with a cup of coffee this morning, I noticed a couple people who appeared to have arrived very early and were sleeping on the ground. Within minutes, more patients began arriving on foot. Soon there would be a clamoring crowd…they knew this would be our last clinic day on the island and most had no idea we woold be returning in 3 months.

After a quick breakfast we headed down to meet the masses and got an earlier start to what was billed as just a half day clinic. “Big Boss Lady” Nora had informed Paulsaint we would hand out just 70 tickets today, and a definite look was exchanged…in the end, we remained flexible, as one must in Haiti, and by the closing bell at 1:00 we had seen another 107 patients! Regardless of the number though, which now exceeds 500 in less than 4 full clinic days, my only hope is that our patients feel that we have served them well!

Based on the interactions I have heard throughout the week and the general demeanor of the patients when they depart clinic, I believe we are accomplishing our goal. And not to gloat, but I again claimed victory for the cutest baby in clinic – it helps to be the story writer!! (again, permisson was granted to take and publish the above photo)

After lunch, many of the team joined Neal and me for a refreshing dip in the ocean at short beach. Shorter walk, cool water…great payoff!!

After a quick dip and walk back home I spent some time on the rooftop at the orphanage searching for a signal to get the story out before we descended on the tedious end of week chores – final sorting, filing and creating an accurate inventory of the remaining supplies.

Tedious and overwhelming does not begin to describe the required tasks, but I believe we are more organized than ever before. I only hope my May team can maintain the order!

(As you now know, I was unable to obtain a connection, so you are likely reading this a day late.) Despite the earlier end to clinic, it has been a hot and exhausting day. It was nearly 10:00pm before the chores of the day were completed and all are now hoping for fans all night and calm seas for the crossing to Les Cayes tomorrow. We will spend Sunday night at Nora and Leon’s home and may explore a bit of the city with our friends, before departing for Port au Prince Monday morning.
That is all for tonight. Can’t keep my eyes open any longer.
Love to All,
The Team