A New Day Dawning…
Last night did not dissapoint…sirens, roosters before sunset, dogs after dark…and all through the night, and we were even treated to a very nice, though short barrage of fireworks just down the hill. The highlight of the evening was a visit from Oyis’ oldest sister Gisette and his older brother Michlé. Sondra had a wonderful visit sharing stories and pictures and hugs all around. We look forward to the reunion of siblings some day soon!

Once dinner was over, some retired early and others to the roof for a little cooling down. Despite the wildlife, I think most had a good long rest and awoke ready for the day – breakfast at 7 and Garry arrived around 8 to help load the van, so we could get on the road by 0830. The airline industry could learn a lesson about on-time departure from Garry. We were navigating the narrow streets of the St Joseph’s neighborhood by 8:30 sharp and Garry once again found all the best routes out of the city.

After a stop for mangos and our usual pit stop in Miragoane, we arrived at the pier in just under 5 hours…smoothe traveling. Reunions with our friends ensued, the boats were loaded and we set off to Ile a Vache on calm seas. Our prayers were answered for a day of easy travel.

As usual though, the hard part was the unloading and the trek up “Agony Hill” to the guest house…could not wait to get to the roof for the breeze to dry the sweat and cool off. Once on the roof, I could see the building site and immediately felt the pull of gravity…

Soon thereafter, the whole team set off for a visit before dark…first surprise – the walking path is now a road! No surprise we had our usual chaperones on the walk…no beach today but the payoff was just as rewarding!!!

The grading and leveling has been completed and since the rains have ended, we are just awaiting more steel rebar before the concrete floor is poured and more block is laid for the walls. This is really happening!! We only had a short time to enjoy the site before heading “home” for dinner…spaghetti and mango…doesn’t get much better after a long day on the road and sea.

And then the work started in preparation for our first clinic tomorrow. We had some file organizing, med counting and the usual supply sorting to complete before we could turn in for the night…and of course there was some fun and games with our friends around the card table.

We are all whupped and ready for a good night’s rest before the clinics begin. We pray the fuel for the generator lasts all night and the fans run until sun up. It has rained and the air is very close tonight. No doubt tomorrow will prove to be a typical day in the tropics.
I think we will all sleep knowing a New Day is truly dawning here on Ile a Vache as the clinic is now taking shape, and soon we will have an established source of reliable healthcare for this deserving and needful population. Our hope is that we continue to successfully connect with these wonderful people so our efforts are fruitful for generations to come.
All for now and as always,
Love to All,
The Team