Last night the generator got going…and kept on going, which meant the fans ran all night…and once we were out, I think most all slept until the roosters provided a wake up call….for most of us. We all enjoyed a delicious breakfast before the continuing pre-Clinic chores.
The team knocked out sorting and bagging meds for today’s clinic like a well oiled machine…probably because I was off on an impromptu excursion to visit another clinic on the island. Kitty, Steve, Scott, Nora and I, along with a couple translators went to visit Kaikok where there is a long established clinic. This is well hidden in the bay where the Port Morgan resort is located. It reminded me of the fishing village of Point Est from our last trip, although it appeared a bit more affluent. We met the resident physician and his staff and attempted to reassure them we were not trying to compete or even displace their clinic. I thought we acquitted ourselves well, but there always remains some doubt.

Once we departed Kaikok, we returned to assist with final clinic preparations, eat lunch and then it was “clinic on.” Considering we started later than usual, I think we provided a good service today by seeing between 80-100 patients between 1:30 & 4:30, especially considering the change in our process with actual medical record files to search for before even getting vitals to check in. Shout out to Beth, Emma and Corey for keeping the patients coming! For a change, Sarah and Kelly saw the most gruesome stuff….I am certain Kitty will make up for that before the trip is finished.
When we finished and returned to the guest house we met up with Steve and Scott, who had spent time with the building project engineer while we were in clinic. We are no longer speculating and are very encouraged by the plans for the clinic! What is even more inspiring and rewarding is that we found out this building Project is already employing 144 local residents who are now able to provide for their families in the form of food, education for their children and general living expenses…without having to leave their families for the mainland to do so. Win-Win-Win!!
We have now made our trip to the beach with the local children as our escorts, we are ready for a delicious dinner and then we will finish our administrative chores before our clinic in Bwa Bouton tomorrow. I think there may even be some winding down/star gazing on the roof this evening when the work is done!

Our work this trip is just beginning but we have our eyes on the ultimate prize…the day we are no longer needed in this community. Then we will return just to visit our good friends!
That is all for tonight. More again tomorrow!
Love to All,
The Team