This new oasis found was quite a respite at the end of our travels, and last night we were treated to a bountiful feast in great company. It was wonderful to see Josi and his family and to be able to introduce them to the team. WOW, how the boys have grown! As always, my time with them was cherished but too short. So hard to believe that in just a few days it will be 10 years since I first met Josi and Ruth!!
After photos were taken and farewell embraces exchanged, my extended Haitian family climbed in there new/used Isuzu Trooper and headed for home. They must awaken before 5am, not only to get to work but to make sure their oldest, Niely Borchely, gets to school on time! It will come as no surprise to those who know Josi, or who have followed his story, to learn that he has become the neighborhood “school bus” driver for those who can pile in his vehicle on time!
Once they cleared the gate, it was time to rejoin the team…on a new roof, of course. There is a reason most buildings in Haiti provide access to their rooftops…the breeze!! And the breeze was again cool and inviting. The team shared one last evening (and beer) sharing pictures, stories and memories before turning in.
This morning we knew the team would be parting ways due to different flights out, so we all awoke early and ate another delicious meal before our trusted driver Marriot arrived to load the Michigan crew for the first departure. Time for another round of goodbyes…and then they were off to the airport.

Once they departed, I spent some time wandering the grounds inside the gates, enjoying the magnificent artwork displayed on the walls within.

The metal art is cut, carved and pounded from single oil drums…remarkably beautiful!!
After my wanderings, Chelsea and I still had a 2+ hour wait for our ride to the airport. I am happy to report that some of that time was spent arranging for additional medical care for at least 7 of our patients from the week!
It was also nice to spend a more leisurely morning preparing for our departure, but after a little more time on the roof, Marriot arrived right on time. We loaded and made our way easily, however it was now time for yet another farewell – Marriot was not only our driver, but also our protector on the roads of Haiti. Thank you friend!

We had the smoothest passage in memory through check-in, security, passport control and boarding. We also got the good news that the Michigan crew arrived in Miami and made their Chicago connection with just minutes to spare…not an easy task in the Miami airport to clear immigration and make a connection with just a 90 minute layover – GO TEAM MICHIGAN!!

Chelsea and I, on the other hand, arrived early and had a near 4 hour layover. Plenty of time to grab a bite, make some calls and get caught up on today’s story – a surprisingly chill episode in the Miami airport…guess we deserved one after some more harrowing experiences over the years.

Eventually, the time arrived for the final farewell, as Chelsea must get to the Delta terminal and I to American, for the final leg of our journey. As it turns out, we will ALL be in the air at the same time for the home stretch.
That is all for our story this time. I will post a brief message on facebook as soon as I have heard from all that they have arrived safely to their families. Thank you as always for your love and support as we strive to reach our goal.
Love to All,