So, we were told the foundation would be the most difficult, time consuming, arduous….and most crucial part of this project. So True…but that is true of most everything important in our lives.
A strong foundation provides us with the strength and support we need to build on, so we must take great care and time to lay it well. With the help and support of our partners, Grace Ministries and The Western New York Impact Foundation, as well as the hard work of the engineer and his building team on the island, this most crucial step is complete!! Something for all of us to be truly THANKFUL for!
This all started with a humble call to service after a terrible tragedy. It grew to become a commitment and dedication from so many. It became a dream…and now that dream is becoming a reality before our very eyes! We have come so far… and the finish line is almost in sight.
Here are some pictures of the progress from the start to our current status:

And now for the Big Finish!…
…PROGRESS! (We will soon see blocks added for the exterior and interior walls – please stay tuned.)
On this very special day of Thanksgiving, I know what I am most thankful for…the love and support of my family and friends through all of this and so much more, the love and support of my new family – The Project Starfish-Haiti team and all those we have connected with over these nearly 9 years, and all of my new dear friends in Haiti!
I am also SO thankful for the generosity and trust of those who have heard our dream and made it their own cause too. We would not be near the finish line without you!
We are SO close, but will not reach that finish line without your continued support. I know Giving Tuesday has become a tradition for some…we are hoping every day of the year might be a Giving Day, because we are dreaming BIG…beyond the completion of the building, there will need to be ongoing services provided for the patients of Ile a Vache. Then we will have reached our ultimate goal!
Wishing you all abundant blessings at this time of year and always, and as always…
Love to All,