So last night after our swim we were treated to my favorite meal – chicken and rice with fried plantains and pikliz. We are definitely not going hungry…and never have on this island. Our friends Gisline and Adeline feed us like their own family!
After a little more work and some friendly…and I might say interesting exchanges on the roof (you know who you are…), we turned in for the night. We awoke to a cloudy, cool morning and eventually some rain. It cleared off in time to load all supplies and team for the next chapter at Bwa Bouton. The ride over was much less treacherous with the work being done on the road…the drive home with the truck loaded down with 13 people was a bit more treacherous, but we made it unscathed!
Clinic today was not at all unlike our previous visits – a crush of people just seeking some measure of care for what has been ailing them. It was a long day which ended after 3:00, and when it was all said and done, we had seen over 150 patients…that makes right at 250 patients in just 1 1/2 days of clinic. That’s over 250 connections made, and counting! Have no fear, Kitty (aka Big Chief Black Cloud), found “that patient” today. We hope to have him set up for more definitive care with our friends at Hopital Lumière in Bon Fin.

Once back “home,” dinner was served early – classic rice with bean sauce and legume…just what we needed after a long day. What we needed even more…our trip to the beach with our local entourage…the kids of course. What I find amazing is how well the children remember us…not just by face but by name. There is no doubt in my mind that we are connecting with this community, and most importantly with the youngest generation. I can’t help but think that is what will ultimately secure our success with this Project.

We have now showered and some are again on the roof enjoying the cool breeze and others downstairs playing card games. We are taking a well deserved night off. Tomorrow morning we will celebrate with the first Birth Attendant (Matwon) graduation ceremony and another clinic in the afternoon.
For now, a bit of R & R for the team. I will try to keep up but it has been difficult with our poor connection this trip. Fingers crossed for more tomorrow!
Love to All,
The Team
My apologies for another late post. Our signal has been weak during this trip, so our updates are a day behind. Do not worry – all is well with the team!
I am so excited for the birth attendant graduation! Wish
I could be there! Kitty, you have worked so hard on this project!
The pictures always make me ” homesick” for Haiti!
Keep up the good work!
Love to all?