Last night we devoured dinner quickly and tackled the med inventory with what appeared like great ease. We had an invitation to venture out to the bar, but by the time we had finished our work, the effects of the week had clearly taken their toll and the group turned in early…after storing all the supplies, that is.

Last night proved difficult for our most ill member, but after meds and a liter of fluids this morning (Dr Kitty and Chelsea, MD to the rescue!!), she was feeling quite a bit better and was able to make the crossing to Les Cayes right on schedule!

Thankfully, the seas were calm as we had hoped for after a windy day yesterday…much appreciated for those feeling a bit off. The calm seas also made the unloading at the pier easier than usual and we were loaded into our vans quickly after our final farewells. We will miss our friends here but our reunion in March will come sooner than it seems! We are counting on it, for there is still much work to do.

Once on the road to Port au Prince, it became apparent that one of the vans was having trouble…an issue that our friend Garry was already aware of. He was on his way to meet us to transfer people and baggage to a new vehicle. We had traveled barely over an hour when he spotted us on the road, made a quick U-turn, pulled over and made the transfer. We were back on the road in minutes and it was clear he intended to make up the lost time…even without a tail wind.

In his usual fashion, he navigated the roads with ease and we arrived on the busy streets of Port au Prince in record time. The whole trip took 5hrs, despite the slow start, the transfer and 2 pit stops! He even found another short cut through the usual urban congestion. What a relief to reach our destination after an exhausting week. There was a storm brewing and the strong breeze on the roof was causing most of us to actually feel a chill…maybe preparing us for our return to reality tomorrow.

Soon thereafter, I was surprised by our dinner guests! Josi and his family made it to St Joseph’s just before the rain began and we enjoyed a delicious meal of traditional soup and grilled cheese. We had a great visit and the Charitable family is as handsome as ever. They are the hardest working couple I know – very successful store owners with Ruth in the lead working 12hr days, 6 days per week and half days on Sunday; last year of Law School for Josi – top of his class!; 8yr old Borchely in school 5 days per week, awake at 4am to start his day; Roodley – nearly 18mo old and very busy!! When they say they are tired all the time, it is the understatement of the century. Their work ethic is second to none and an example for us all.
Our visit came to an end too quickly as usual, but I felt the need for them to return home between the downpours, so they might actually get a good night’s rest…wakeup for them tomorrow is 6:30 – an extra 2 hrs sleep for them, I hope.

Once safely on their way, we returned to the roof with a steady rain falling. We met a team headed to Jacmel tomorrow to work with the Wings of Hope facility. I believe this group is the Board for Wings of Hope, which is affiliated with the St Joseph’s organization. Coincidentally, several are from Virginia as well. We got acquainted briefly, but were soon being entertained by Wootrod, a very talented musician – singer, songwriter and guitar player extraordinaire! He may be the next Haitian music star – what a talent!! We could not have asked for a more beautiful way to come down from a long week and end our evening together.
Our flight leaves late tomorrow, which will allow for some extra sleep tonight…if the wildlife will sleep late too. Maybe the rain will help with that…fingers and toes crossed! I know all are looking forward to reunions with family and loved ones, but also thinking of our return in just 4 short months…there is so much more to accomplish.
All for now and we look forward to seeing you all tomorow!
Love to All,
The Team