All the planning and packing done, we are on our way. I wish to take this opportunity to send a HUGE Thank You to our many supporters – donors of supplies and funds as well as time and just positive energy!! We are closing in on our 9th year of travels and we have come so far in pursuit of our Ultimate Goal. We could not have done so without your continued support! Our accomplishments are your accomplishments! Please stay tuned and engaged as we provide updates and, as always, pray for our safe travels.
We are so excited to have some family back with us and, as usual, to add to the family. We made it quickly to Atlanta, met up with Chelsea and Maureen, and had a chance to get a bite and hydrate for the next leg. This is another great group and the anticipation for our arrival is palpable. Our friends in Port au Prince have been awaiting us for months and will no doubt make our layover comfortable tonight.
We all arrived safely, had much assistance in the retrieval of our luggage (not always helpful…but always compensated), made it through Customs with no shake down at all this time and at last reunited with our good friend Garry. It is always a relief at this point of our travels to see his smiling face waiting in the parking lot!
Once all loaded, again with much assistance, Garry took us on a bona fide shortcut and demonstrated his mad skills behind the wheel yet again. We arrived at our oasis, unloaded quickly and ran for the roof for a cold beverage and rest before the dinner bell rang. Thank goodness for a breeze off the ocean…we have experienced a 50 degree change in temperature from our departure this AM.
Dinner smells delicious and we are all hungry from our travels. We may be treated with a visit from Oyis’ sister, Gisette after dinner….hard to believe we last saw her nearly 9 years ago. I am certain there will be additional “planning” on the roof this evening before we turn in. We have breakfast at 7 and departure by 8:30am. We will meet our friend Boaz near the airport to take him back to Ile a Vache for a week of translating with us. Here’s hoping for a good night’s sleep, no barricades on the road to Les Cayes tomorrow and calm seas to the island.
…and hopefully a good connection, so I can post nightly! Signing off for today and as always,
Love to All,
The Team