We have the Land:

We have the Plans:

We have the Approval from Community Leaders:
All that is left are the funds to complete the Project, and we and our partners from the Western NY Impact Foundation are making progress on that front. However, the need is great and we require the help of all of our followers to make this Clinic a reality. We have over 500 friends on Facebook – I encourage you all to visit the Donate Section of our site and dig as deep as you can. As always, any donation is greatly appreciated, and we can never thank you enough for your generosity, but just imagine if everyone could muster a one-time $500 donation. I know it’s a big ASK, but it amounts to less than $1.50 per day…less than a daily cup of coffee at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts or even the corner market. It would be enough to finish the clinic, and then the deserving people of this island will finally have a clinic they can rely upon to provide sustainable medical services…medications, basic illness management, prenatal care, safe births, minor surgeries, dental care, eye care and more. This has been our Goal from the start and now it is indeed in sight. Please help us make it a reality. Please help us honor the memory of a good man and a selfless servant as we will dedicate this clinic in the name of Dr. Peter Y. Whitehead.

Much love and gratitude to you all,