That’s right, Oyis, the young boy we cared for after the earthquake nearly 4 years ago, who had suffered a head injury and a horribly fractured right leg, is now officially the adopted son of Sondra and Michael Daroshefski. Sondra is a NICU nurse that accompanied us on that first, most fateful trip and has supported us ever since. Most importantly, she and her husband as well as their children welcomed Oyis to their home in Roanoke, VA later that year as a medical host family. Oyis’ parents were no longer living and when his sister indicated she could not properly care for him in Haiti she asked the Daroshefski family to pursue adoption. He has since undergone additional surgery and therapy to correct his leg fracture and has recovered from his head injury. He has acclimated very well to life in the USA, though Sondra and her family strive to keep him connected to his Haitian heritage. We are so excited to report on this wonderful success story as it exemplifies what we are hoping to achieve as Project Starfish-Haiti and we are so happy for the growing Daroshefski family.
Please help us make more stories like this a reality by visiting the Donate section of our web page (www.projectstarfishhaiti.net) and sending a check to assist us in our mission. Also, don’t forget to visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/projectstarfishhaiti and show your support by liking the page and inviting your friends to do the same. As more of you do this, our reach expands to other like minded individuals and we can only hope to further raise awareness for our Project. I am confident this will translate into the financial support needed to fulfill our goals.
In the meantime, Congratulations, Felisitasyon (Haitian creole), Mazel Tov, and Gratulacje to the Daroshefski family and our “original starfish” Oyis, as Sondra so accurately put it, from your ever widening Project Starfish family.
That’s all for now, but be watching for more exciting news on our facebook page and the website in the weeks to come. Hope to hear from you all soon and as always, Love to All!!