Last night we powered through the work quickly and moved on to our favorite part of the trip…eating of course and building social connections with our Haitian friends!
We played some cards and Boaz seems to have filled in nicely for Wilson, when it comes to winning…and of course, it goes without saying JennyMa continued her winning ways too. We were serenaded by Flito – aka”Big Fish”, Felix – aka “Bieber”, and at times Boaz – aka “Pitit”… I think we have the makings of a Haitian boy band – “The Backwater Boyz” maybe!
It was touch and go with the generator but before we all turned in it seemed to find it’s stride and kept fans running throughout the night. However, I think on Ile a Vache it is possible to reach 110% humidity, so sleep did not come easy for some…difficult to sleep when every part of you feels damp.
This morning we were prepared for our return to Pointe Est…this time by land rather than sea, and since it is quite a bit farther east than yesterday, we decided to make the trip all at once. This meant loading the truck down with as much of our supplies as possible and as many people as we could fit – inside and out. It also meant that some of us got to go old school again – that’s right, Motos!!
And we even had a new rider after all these years…go Carey!!
Have no fear…as always, our drivers are extra careful with us and we all made it there and back safely. In fact, those of us on Motos probably had a more comfortable and cool ride…especially the ride home…
Good thing there was heavy road equipment right there to help pull our transport out of the mud!
Back to clinic though: …we were open for business for about 4hrs before our last patient was seen and we had provided services to 110 souls. This is upwards of triple the number we saw last year when here – they were clearly ready for us. The clinic was very hot and muggy with the sea breeze blocked by other structures, but it ran very efficiently – our patients were very appreciative and never unruly…a refreshing change from yesterday’s beat down.
Once the last patient was seen, we did it all in reverse…except for a brief side trip to our building site…that’s right…PLUMBING!!
The fill is compacted, trenches for PVC have been created and the drains are being set. The additional steel for the concrete pad is nearly complete and we expect a floor to be poured in the next couple weeks. Every day we are seeing more progress, and I am told the most difficult and time consuming step in the process – the foundation – has been completed. Once the floor is poured, I’m told we will see walls going up in very short order…I hope you can feel my excitement and that it’s contagious!!
Today, some of us cooled down at “short beach” while others crashed back at the guest house with a cold soda and cards…with a couple followup appointments from Monday’s clinic mixed in, of course – Go Team!!
I think we are all winding down from the hot day, awaiting dinner which is sure to be delicious. We are now more than halfway through our week of clinics and have cared for over 360 patients thus far. That is another 360 chances to connect with this population! Our potential for success is great and continues to grow!
The breeze is blowing and the night seems to be getting set up for a cool one…fingers crossed for a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow we are either in Madame Bernard or back here at the church. Either way, we expect another large crowd. We will need our rest to finish the week strong.
Will update again tomorrow with events from our day!
Love to All,
The Team