As anticipated, dinner last night was delicious…tender meat, rice & beans, and the most anticipated of all – fried plantains and pikliz!!! Again, mesi anpil to Ms. Ghislaine and Adeline (and my apologies for spelling Ghislaine incorrectly in my earlier stories)! I think we have dubbed “The Holy Trinity” as the 3 P’s…Plantains, Pikliz and Prestige!! And by now you can assume we found our way to the rooftop after supper to enjoy the cool breezes and the full moon!

By about 8:30, the breeze became sultry and the mosquitos arrived, so it was time to descend for the night. Most had already turned in, expecting a 5am wake-up for an early departure. I must say it was nice to discover that the roosters in the rural area surrounding Les Cayes can actually tell time. I heard the first call no earlier than 0430, shortly before the first sign of light, and at 5am the first alarm was heard. The team was quickly stirring and by 6am, all had packed, eaten and loaded the bus.

Unfortunately, that meant it was time to bid farewell to our good friends and hosts, Nora and Leon…until we meet again…which will be in May (in case you were wondering Jason!). We were on the road by 0615 and for 4 hours made excellent time…right up until we reached the western edge of Martissant…bumper to bumper deja vu!!

Two hours later when we finally broke free of the gridlock, it became apparent that the Haitian Dept of Transportation must be taking their cues from their counterparts in the USA…plan roadwork on 1 of the 2 lanes heading into the commerce center, during the morning rush??? In the end, what has in the past been a 4-5 hr drive became 7 hours.

What a welcome site when Marriot pulled up to the gate and honked 3 times. The gate opened and we were introduced to yet another Oasis in the city!

We quickly unloaded the bus, said our sad goodbyes to Boaz, who we will hopefully see in May, and then checked in…ie dropped our stuff and headed for a cold beverage and a cool spot! You will never guess what a bunch of Americans do as soon as they discover there is a Wifi network…

After a satisfying lunch, which included our prize purchase on the road from Cayes – fresh Mango to die for…we gathered around the pool again…and you will never guess…

We are now just chillin’ after an industrious week. We will enjoy one last dinner on this trip all together and, as always, I am thrilled that I will get to see our special guests tonight – Josi, Ruth and their 2 boys!

For now though, I think I speak for Chelsea and myself when I say, yet again, what a privilege it has been to be invited to join this magnificent group. I have enjoyed, so much, spending time with them, sharing stories and learning their stories. As much as I nudge and joke, I truly hope they will consider joining us on future trips. I am so happy to grow the Project Starfish-Haiti family but am just as thrilled to consider them my new friends! And now we will just enjoy these waning hours together.
More news of our evening in tomorrow’s story, as we make our way home to our loved ones. Please wish us safe travels and we will undoubtedly reciprocate with loving embraces when we see you!
Love to All,
The Team