Great news! We have established our medical mission team for Spring 2014 – Trip #5. I am excited to report that Dr. Kitty Humphreys and Dr. Peter Whitehead will be returning again this year, along with Carey Cole, FNP , her daughter Lindsay, aka “Smiley” and Kirsten “Kiki” Newcomb, RN. I am thrilled to report that Jenny Baldwin, RN will also be returning after a 2 year hiatus, which I know she regretted daily….Welcome Back “Jenny Ma”!! We have been missing you terribly. The nightly card games will be much more entertaining!! As always, we could not be happier to be growing our PSH family again this year with some new additions: Chelsea LaBree, RN of Maine, Melisa Morgan, RN of Jacksonville,FLA and Sarah Gilbert,RN of Radford,VA.
As you can see, our reach is ever expanding with team members all over Virginia (you know who you are and if you are not returning this year, please remember us in the years to come); we also have members in Memphis, TN, Washington,DC, Maine, Florida and now Idaho (congratulations on the move Rachel Bryant-we miss you too and await your return with great anticipation). To think this all started with 13 mostly novices in 2010 and has now grown to Project Starfish-Haiti is a testament to the spirit of giving and volunteerism in the medical community specifically and the wider community as a whole. We would not be in existence were it not for the combined efforts and generosity of both. If you are wondering how you too can be an integral part of our mission, please visit the donate section of our website, www.projectstarfishhaiti.net and consider a contribution to assist us in providing desperately needed medical services in this terribly impoverished country.
We are all very excited for our upcoming travels in March 2014 and expect it will be here before we know it. I will use this blog and Facebook to keep all our friends, family and supporters updated on our progress before, during and after our trip. Please contact us if you have an interest in helping or possibly traveling with us in the future, and as always…..
Love to All,