Sleep came easily last night as you might expect and the generator lasted all night with good fan coverage…SO nice. The day started with some cloud cover and a great breeze. We ate a delicious breakfast but I was chomping at the bit to get to the clinic site, so we all went for a morning stroll. I had goose bumps as we rounded the corner of the road and the building came in site…what a payoff it was!!!
It is such a blessing to be a part of this journey and part of a group of dedicated individuals all working towards the same goal. It is also such a pleasure to join this new group and welcome them into the Project Starfish-Haiti family. They have varying life experiences and some are walking on this island for the first time, but it is clear in the 24hrs I have known them that they have all embraced the dream and the work, and will most definitely be an integral part in this clinic’s success.
Lingering on the roof and in the halls of the building, I feel the presence of my friend all around. I know that the care given, the friendships made, the laughter shared…the sense of community that will be experienced within these walls will honor his memory daily.
The time came and we reluctantly headed back to the guest house to begin the work of preparing for the week of clinics to come. And there was much work to be done – organizing clinic supplies, unpacking new items, cataloging and then counting and bagging meds for our patients to come. The group jumped in quickly and within minutes we were like a well-oiled machine. That said, it was 5-6hrs later when we were able to close the final lid and rest.
As the sun was setting we sat down to yet another delicious dinner and shared time together as we heard singing from the church below. As the table cleared, a new game of cards began, some took time to read, others just stepped out to enjoy the cooling night breeze.
Soon all thoughts will be on the busy day ahead at Bwa Bouton. This is generally a busy clinic and we have been gone nearly 1 year, but once again we hope to strengthen our connection to this community and truly earn their trust. That is when we will be able to claim success in our efforts.
For now, please wish us a cool evening and nice prevailing breezes for clinic tomorrow…and stay tuned for more from this special place.
Love to All,
The Team
Wow! The picture of the clinic took my breath away!!!!
It seems almost unbelievable compared to the last time I saw it.
Thinking of you all as you go out to clinic tomorrow. Wish I was there with you!
Please give hugs to Nora, Leon, and all our translators for me!
Praying for all of you to have a fruitful trip where trust is built and relationships are strengthened.