We began our week having to cancel the half day clinic at Gran Plaine, planned for the 1st full day on the island. We arrived so late the night before and had much to do to prepare, that we were not able to open the doors as planned. We knew that was disappointing to the community and that they would be ready for our services once we returned from the other locations on the island…and ready they were!
After another hearty breakfast, we just headed down the hill to the church with supplies in hand, set up the space and got busy seeing patients by 9am…right on schedule.
The patients semed to be arriving by the busload, but we know better…most arrive on foot, and some after hours of walking. However, if you have access, you might choose to drive yourself!
We passed out 130 tickets for the day and by about 1:00, all had been registered. By 2:30, we had cared for another 140 patients and are told there are another 100 names on a list for our “half day” clinic tomorrow…Today I declare myself and Deann the victors for seeing the most cute babies of the day…and also the cutest of the cute! (disclaimer: I received consent to publish the photo from the mother.)
Once clinic was over, and a favorite lunch consumed – soup joumon, Neal and I hiked to a favorite spot….”short beach”, while much of the team rested from a hot day. (The breeze was strong but in the wrong direction today.) The water was refreshing- just what the doctor ordered – and now I am on the roof of the Orphanage with friends as I complete the daily story – just what the doctor needed!
We missed Timizou at the watering hole yesterday, so will try again now before dinner. I am told we may have our ladder to reach the roof of the guest house tonight after the work is done, and if the breeze holds, we will definitely have a cool night under the stars and moon to relax.
We will need the rest if we plan a repeat of today’s work. That’s all for tonight – more news from the island tomorrow.
Love to All,
The Team
Strong work Team Starfish!
Rest well for another day of service!
Love to all!