That’s right ladies and gentleman…as you can see, we are on the cusp of putting a “lid” on this facility. And when the day arrives, just as it did when the first floor ceiling/second story floor was poured, you will see a whole host of workers raising the cement for the roof of this building!!

And while all of that is progressing, the interior walls of the first floor are being finished in fine fashion. The process will be repeated once the 2nd story has been closed in, and the tradesmen and women are hard at work installing plumbing and electric fixtures, flooring/tile and eventually the finishing touches – locally crafted cabinetry and furniture.

This project is employing so many local residents and supporting the businesses that supply the items necessary to complete this building, not to mention the many cooks who provide food to feed the workers on site.I cannot imagine how many lives this building project is having a positive impact on but I can envision the lives it will touch once the clinic within begins providing reliable and sustainable healthcare services to the surrounding population!

To think, this all began nearly 10 years ago with 13 people who had never been on a medical mission before…my how far we have come! We are truly a bunch of over achievers and along the way have been so fortunate to connect with other like-minded achievers – Angel Missions Haiti, Wings of Hope, Missions of Love, Caribbean Children’s Foundation, and ultimately Grace Ministries and The Western New York Impact Foundation. And these are not even all the organizations we have learned from, and in some cases rely on to fulfill our mission, nor does it include all the like-minded individuals that have assisted us in our efforts to reach the thousands of patients we have treated in the past near decade.

But this is not where our story ends, just where another chapter begins – the dedication of this facility will commemorate for all time a special man who shared our dream and was himself an achiever…a truly sincere servant of humanity, Dr Peter Y Whitehead.
So, time for the pitch: we missionaries have spent countless hours and many thousands of dollars over this past decade to arrive at this place in time. I know if you are reading this you are one of our nearly 700 facebook followers, not to mention additional friends of theirs, so I know you have a special place in your heart for what we are doing! We need your help NOW more than ever to bring this facility online!! I am personally challenging Peter Whitehead’s former partners and colleagues who are reading this to dig deep to honor our friend and brother’s memory for all time.

But I am also challenging every one of you who looks forward to the next installment of our blog when we travel or the next facebook picture post to see what we are up to. If we could average a ONE time donation of $150 from each of our followers, we could raise over $100,000 this week! That is less than 50 cents a day for just 1 year of our lives!! Who cannot find a way to carve just 50 cents a day out of their budget for this most worthy cause?
This is my challenge to all of you. I am an over achiever and I aim to achieve this goal for my beloved friend and brother. Please join me!

Love and Gratitude to All,