Last night did not include roof time as we were all exhausted. Lights out by 10:30 for most and I believe it was a restful night for all….a little muggy after the generator and fans kicked off but still so much better than a floor in the Miami airport!

We awoke to a tasty breakfast that included Garry’s hard fought mangos…oh my gosh, best I ever had! Then the fun began…sorting and bagging meds (otherwise known as organized chaos) for clinic that was due to start at 11AM ….but this is Haiti after all! Â The patients heard we were here and began gathering at 9AM. Then, a mother arrived on a makeshift stretcher – 9 months pregnant with her 4th child and 8cm dilated. For those reading unaware of the significance of this, that means a decent sneeze could result in the birth!

It was her good fortune to have a lovely, enormous Mango tree to provide shade, a cooling breeze from the ocean, an experienced Family Practice doctor in addition to both a skilled NICU and Pediatric nurse in attendance. Â What a wonderful blessing to celebrate a new life on the island and have a part in his arrival. Â Yes, it was a healthy boy and mother apparently asked the team in attendance to provide his name. The team decided on Joshua Emanuel…the middle name was chosen in honor of my daughter Emma as she is celebrating her 20th birthday today. Can you imagine how proud I am right now?!

Now for the blogger’s discretionary digression…this particular trip is especially exciting for me as I am finally able to bring Emma, my eldest of 3 daughters. She is now in her 2nd year at Radford University, studying to be a Special Education teacher. She has a true giver’s heart. I would like to think she inherited this from her parents, however if you will indulge me just a moment, a short story from her 1st grade year…years before I embarked on my 1st mission trip.

As you likely know from prior posts, we are a Jewish family and in Hebrew the word for the money given to charity is “tzedakah”. We collect this money in a Tzedakah Box. In our faith, this act of giving is a mitzvah, or a commandment, not just a blessing as most would consider it. Anyway, Emma had a beautiful Tzedakah Box, or rather a porcelain jar that she had made. She had an idea to bring it to class and request that the kids collect “their” loose change over the course of the school year. The teacher proudly announced this idea to her class and then suggested that at the end of the year they determine how much was collected and they might just be able to have a pizza party as a class. Well, Emma promptly raised her hand and proclaimed, “I have an idea. Maybe we could give the money to charity!” I am told the teacher turned a few shades of red and quickly reshaped the plan for these funds…Tzedakah. From a tender young age her giving heart was ever apparent and I can’t help but think that she helped to shape my life plans in more ways than one! Happy Birthday sweetheart. Daddy loves you more than you know!!

Now back to our day. While the labor and delivery was underway, clinic was begun down the hill and the list grew rapidly. It was warm and close in the church but this team did what it always does…we got BUSY! Once mother and Joshua were deemed healthy, we were joined by Kitty, Rachel, Melila and Sarah B. and clinic shifted into another gear. Lindsay, aka Smiley, was in peak form running up and down the hill to retrieve medicine and supplies from the guest house…always smiling! She will sleep well tonight. I am unaware of the final tally but have no doubt that with 5 providers, 6 nurses, and a full complement of support, we saw well over 150 patients today!! These people never fail to fill my heart with pride! Once finished with a quick, late lunch, nearly everyone changed and headed to the beach with our personal escorts…the children. I know this gets old, but what a refreshing way to end an exhilarating day. How did we get so lucky to find this little slice of paradise!

Some of us lingered awhile before making the hike back to the guest house before dark. We were met along the way by “Big Boss” in the truck. Â He had been watching our progress from high ground…and watching the skies too. He did not believe we would make it back before the rain. He may have been right, as the rain began falling shortly after our return. We were greeted by the delicious smell of dinner. Most got a good cold shower and gathered for my favorite meal – chicken, rice & beans with creole sauce, fried plantains and spicy pikliz…could eat this meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!
We are now sate and still a bit tired from the past 2 days. There will be no roof time again tonight as it has rained quite a bit. We hold out hope for clear skies, cooling breezes, cold beverages and great stories on the roof tomorrow night.
Tonight we will just relax and enjoy each other….maybe a rematch between JennyMa and Carey at the card table and no doubt Jenny may made up some rules along the way! We may even get more caught up on our rest! Tomorrow promises to be another busy day in paradise…
All for now. More tomorrow night.
Love to All,
The Team
This is a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing. Emma, we are all so proud of you!